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Thursday, June 22, 2017

New Phase Awaits...

A new phase is about to begin and as it is with most major events, I am not so overwhelmed with emotions as I should be. I am excited and happy but I am also indifferent. It's just a defense or coping mechanism...I think. One built over the years. I mean, who wouldn't be super duper excited to be getting married to an amazing friend. My perfectionist side kicks in once in a while and wonders if I'm ready for the journey ahead. The thought that soon, someone will call me "Husband" 😨and then a little later, "Daddy"? *screams internally* The...

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Talk is Cheap

Disclaimer: This is an open rant. I am slowly getting weary of people who say one thing and their actions portray another thing. It's tiring and annoying sometimes and I just see it as a reflection of the said person's integrity. Please, this is not disputing the fact that we often make commitments and fail at them. That's only human. But I mean outrightly and consistently promising, reassuring or declaring your commitment to something and then...

Monday, August 22, 2016

A Discovery I made about two people I admire a lot

So one of my favourite websites of recent has been Quora and I've fallen in love more with it over time based on the simple concept of random people answering random questions on random things. More like a Yahoo Answers Reloaded but with more swag. So today, one of the questions was about what to do when you don't know what to do. This was the particular case I was in today, but as usual the most upvoted answer was spot on. The answer was simple,...

Friday, July 29, 2016

What's up with humanity?

The world couldn't get any more crazier than it is right now. With all the drama in US politics, crazy terrorist attacks every now and then, one can only worry how humanity seems to be very absent in humans these days. Like we literally do not give a hoot about people's feelings and when you do, it probably just a political move to score cheap points or win favours. I've been following the #SaveMayowa trend, about a lady that Nigerians came together to fund-raise over $100,000 for Stage 4 Ovarian cancer treatment. Amidst all the drama that ensued,...

Thursday, July 21, 2016

I wrote a Poem after a long while

I slept pretty early yesterday and woke up to many missed calls. But I needed that sleep and I'm glad I got it. Only challenge now is that I'm awake at this awkward hour. I have been thinking of a reasonable strategy to reach more audience with my project which I'm involved in full time [This baby here >> www.elearn.ng]. I get a lot of "wow, nice concept", "we need this". If for every "wow", I got a Naira, I will be rolling with Uncle Aliko right now. *inner voice screams* "Stop lying Michael!" Whatever. *shrugs* So, the other awesome...

Friday, July 15, 2016

Let me Rant today

So today I went in for a meeting to seek for sponsorship on a project I'm planning and the outcome wasn't too good but that's not even my major issue. I am very concerned right now about the future of Nigeria. Okay hang on, that's normal anyways. To be more specific, I am very very concerned about the state of the educational system in this country. Now I'm not even going to begin with the issues at all. They are numerous. I remember doing a podcast assignment where we were talking about access to technology and quality of usage impacts the digital...

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Business Lessons from Lagos Traffic

So I struggled with sleep so much that I slept in my sleep. Haha. More like 'Inception' happened. It was my body who had the upper hand this time. Greatness one day at a time is anchored on the foundation of consistency. It's how habits are formed. Taking that shot once a day which turns to twice a day, every hour and you're hooked. Today was spent at a video shoot with a client amidst responding to tons of emails, putting out fires and trying to...

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Get up 8 times!

I have spent the last 18 hours in front of this PC non-stop and ideally I should be tired and exhausted but I am definitely not giving up just yet. So I tried fixing an email activation problem on a platform we just launched and it finally got to work some minutes ago. Almost 1am but it feels so beautiful to see hard work finally pay off. I will definitely get up happier knowing that things will get better. I am learning to understand failure better. For whatever it takes, I can stare it in the face and stand my ground. NO more safer routes and...

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Greatness One Day at a Time

Hello Everyone! As awkward as this seems, it feels great to pen down a few words that have been on my mind this past week but first allow me to welcome you to this amazing second half of 2016. There are many things to be thankful for and as I saw it put somewhere, the world needs a BIG TIGHT COSY GROUP HUG right now. Image Credit Everything seems to be upside down and chaos seems to be the order of the day. This is where individual responsibility...

Friday, March 27, 2015

As we match to the polls tomorrow...

Hiyaaaaa *waving* *sips cup of rich creamy Latte* It's barely 24 hours to the D-Day and these past few days have never been so dramatic in Nigerian politics, listening to the news and all. I saw one picture a friend used as his BBM display picture showing a crowd of people at the airport and it was quite surprising, disappointing, and many things at once. Most saddening fact was that it had now come to this. Typically people go to their countries...