Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lessons from the Mine

"All 33 Chilean miners have all been rescued!", the voice announced from the radio this morning.

I was elated.

This is really a world class show of endurance, love and leadership. I mean, my hero of the day is the Shift Foreman of the mine, Luis Urzua who came out last as proposed due to his vital role.

That guy is a true leader. I mean think of it, they experienced unfavourable temperature and pressure at that depth with some of them with ailments such as diabetes.
But u know when ur out of options, there's tendency to freak sunlight, no normal life, just in one enclosed room 700ft underground with 33 men for 69 days. A'int no joke mehn.

50 satellites were deployed to cover the 2010 SA World Cup but amazingly 52...I mean 72 satellites stayed on their watch, the whole of Chile was glued to their TVs, the President was outside the mine waiting and praying and relatives obviously weren't left out.

The drama was so intense and eventually all 33 came out. It just shows that nothing sure binds than people going through adversity together and encouraging one another.

Like their famous chant I also join them to say Viva Chile!

I hope we adopt this culture and also put in prayers flood victims in some parts of Lagos and Ogun State in Nigeria. As you do so, you'll never be forgotten in your time of need (Amen).


Let's hear you...