Friday, February 25, 2011

Time is on a powerbike

Another weekend again. WHoosh!

I wrote something to post here this morning but got so engrossed in what I was doing that I must have sworn I posted it. Twas some lil tips on how to manage one's life in the midst of these crazy world.
Okay I wrote 2 poems this night and I'll be publishing one of them for your views. Lemme know watcha think when you're through reading it.

You inspire me and knowing that you're reading this keeps me going so be kind enough to leave your traces behind either by liking or commenting or both.
Well, this weekend is sure mapped out for some things and I hope you planned yours too. Planning doesn't necessarily mean work. Plan the outing, the movie and don't just live on impulse thoughts.
Have a great weekend and be sure to visit the poetry page as you click the trending topic below.
TRENDING NOW: Stormy Night


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